It is a design research journey starting from a bamboo steamer-making workshop...
Tearing the bamboo strips
Tearing the bamboo strips
Making the frame
Making the frame
Weaving the lid
Weaving the lid
Pressing the weaving into the frame
Pressing the weaving into the frame
Thanks to Crafts on Peel for arranging an amazing Chinese crafts workshop in London.
Personal Motivation 个人动机
In May this year, I attended a bamboo steamer-making workshop in London. From there, learning about its relationship to Cantonese culinary culture, the benefits and process of making it, and the current challenge of its discontinuity, I began to wonder why I had never identified it as a craft with such a close connection to my life, and why I could only learn about it in a foreign country? With this query, I began to research the relationship between bamboo weaving and my hometown, Foshan, and discovered that bamboo and rattan weaving craftsmanship is a local intangible cultural heritage (ICH) craft that is the only one that has been forgotten among the three "most representative crafts of the Lingnan region". This discovery motivated me to initiate my final project for my MA course on the topic of preserving the bamboo and rattan weaving craft in Foshan. 
今年 5 月,我参加了在伦敦举办的竹蒸笼制作工作坊。在那里,我了解到竹蒸笼与广东饮食文化的关系、它用于食物制作的好处和它的手工制作过程,以及目前竹蒸笼制作工艺面临的断代挑战。于是我开始想,为什么我之前从来没有发现竹蒸笼制作工艺是一门与我的生活有着如此密切联系的手工艺呢?为什么我到了国外才了解到它呢?带着这个疑问,我开始研究竹编与我的家乡佛山的关系,发现竹藤编织工艺是佛山的市级非物质文化遗产(ICH),也是 "岭南三大最具代表性的手工艺 "中唯一被遗忘的一个。这一发现促使我开始了这个以保护佛山竹藤编织工艺为主题毕业项目。

Dim Sum in a Bamboo Steamer, Photo by Zakaria F., (2020)

Rattan stools, self-taken photo in Foshan (2023)

Problem Statement 问题陈述
 In the context of bamboo and rattan weaving of Foshan being at risk of discontinuity due to ageing craftsmen and few apprentices as craftsmanship inheritors,  Generation Z in Foshan, who have a great passion for safeguarding local handicrafts, need an approach or platform to experience and gain knowledge of the Foshan locality, culture, history and bamboo and rattan materials because their lack of systematic understanding of the content and value of the craft has led to a lack of awareness of it as a local craft in Foshan and little action is being taken to preserve it, so the safeguarding of the craft remains challenging.
 在佛山竹藤编织因手艺人老龄化、手艺传承“后继无人”而面临断代挑战的背景下,对保护本土手工艺抱有极大积极性的佛山 Z 世代需要一个体验和了解佛山本土文化、历史和竹藤材料的途径或平台、 因为他们对竹藤工艺的内涵和价值缺乏系统的了解,导致他们对竹藤工艺作为佛山本土手工艺的认知度不高,也很少采取保护行动,因此竹藤工艺的保护仍然面临挑战。
Core Stakeholders: Bamboo and Rattan Craftsmen and Gen Z in Foshan 
核心利益攸关方: 佛山竹藤编织手工艺人 & 佛山Z世代
Design Question 设计问题
How might we design a public cultural experience for Generation Z in Foshan to gain knowledge of the Foshan locality, culture, history and bamboo and rattan materials to reconstruct their cognition of bamboo and rattan weaving as Foshan's local craft, establish their systematic understanding of its content and value to stimulate more of their spontaneous participation in safeguarding this local handicraft?
如何为佛山的 Z 世代设计公共文化体验,让他们了解佛山的地域、文化、历史和竹藤材料,重构他们对竹藤编织这一佛山本土手工艺的认知,建立他们对竹藤编织内涵和价值的系统理解,激发他们更多的自发参与到该手工艺的保护行列中?
Research Process 调研过程
A Self-developed Design Research Framework based on the Double Diamond and the Human-Centred
基于 "双钻 "和 "以人为本 "的设计研究框架,我设计了一个我自己的框架...

Some messy analysing process

Pain points of Stakeholders Summarised From Analysis 痛点总结
1. For Craftsmen: They need to get the participation of the younger generation to provide creative design ideas for craft products and innovative industrial operation strategies, but they find it hard to reach the young group and keep updated with their preferences.
2. For Gen Z: They wish to be attached to the city and people through public, lower-cost and participatory experiences to gain unique memories or products. They also have a strong awareness and high willingness for local crafts preservation, but they find a miss in craft-related information access,  lack of experiential opportunities or think the current experience set-up is not appealing. 
1. 手艺人:竹藤编织他们需要年轻一代的参与,为工艺产品提供创意设计思路和创新的产业运营策略,但他们发现很难接触到年轻群体,也很难跟上他们的喜好。
2. Z世代:他们希望通过公共的、低成本的、参与式的体验与城市和人们建立联系,从而获得独特的记忆或产品。他们对本地手工艺品的保护也有强烈的意识和高昂的意愿,但他们觉得与本土手工艺品相关的信息获取渠道存在缺失,缺乏体验机会(种类单一),或者认为目前的体验设置并不吸引人。
Empathy Map of Craftsmen
Empathy Map of Craftsmen
Empathy Map of Gen Z
Empathy Map of Gen Z
Opportunity Space 机会空间
Creative Bazaar 创意市集
Survey: What form, elements or characteristics will attract you to public events?
Creative Bazaar and DIY workshop won the most votes in the poll.创意集市和 DIY 工坊在投票中赢得最多选票。
Output Direction 产出方向
Thematic Bamboo and Rattan Weaving Creative Bazaar  竹藤编织主题创意集市
The goal of the Bazaar Design 集市设计的目标
1. Provide a platform for Foshan bamboo and rattan craftsmen to share their craft knowledge and receive creative ideas.
2. Provide an opportunity for GenZers to acquire the local knowledge to deepen their attachment to the city, stimulating their participation in the transmission of bamboo and rattan crafts.
A General Goal: Make more people aware of the bamboo and rattan craft in Foshan, take action to protect it, and increase the depth of their engagement in the transmission of the crafts.
1. 为佛山竹藤手艺人提供一个分享工艺知识和接受创意理念的平台。
2. 为Z世代提供获取本土知识的机会,加深他们对这座城市的感情,激发他们对竹藤工艺传承的自发参与。
Audience Development Strategy
I. Audience Analysis 受众分析
Audiences were separated into three types: audience by habit, by choice and by surprise. Their need and preferences are defined according to the data collected from interviews with Gen Z and the public poll. Please see the details in the images.
II. 战略资产 Asset 1. The Place 公共空间
This is the place design for the bazaar. It includes THREE parts: Backward Area (for History and Culture Learning), Innovation Area (for new product experience), and Experience Area (DIY Handmade Experience). 
这是集市的场所设计。它包括三个部分:追溯区 (历史文化学习)、创新区 (产品体验) 和体验区 (DIY 手工体验)。
Backward Area 追溯 · 历史文化学习区: This part is designed to contextualise the story of Foshan bamboo and rattan weaving. Photos are displayed with explanations, showing the craft's history and relation to the locality. A quiz game with prizes will be included to make it more engaging and exciting. Experts and craftsmen will be here to interact with the audience, explaining works, techniques and history. People can also co-create booklets of bamboo and rattan crafts knowledge with the craftsmen. 本部分旨在介绍佛山竹藤编织的来龙去脉。在展示照片的同时,还配以说明,展示该工艺的历史以及与当地的关系。此外,还有有奖问答游戏,使活动更具吸引力和刺激性。专家和手工艺人将在这里与观众互动,讲解作品、技术和历史。人们还可以与手工艺人共同制作竹藤工艺知识小册子。
Innovation Area 创新 · 产品体验区: This part is designed to let people experience the characteristics of bamboo and rattan material by exploring their products, which can be applied in all aspects of life, including furniture, accessories, food making, musical instruments, and so on (examples shown next page). It is also where people can buy bamboo and rattan products or chat with booth owners for some information about the use of bamboo and rattan. Booth owners will be recruited from all around the country, bringing more possibilities to the design of the bamboo and rattan products to offer inspiration for Foshan's craftsmen. 该部分旨在让人们通过探索竹藤产品体验竹藤材料的特性,这些产品可应用于生活的方方面面,包括家具、饰品、食品制作、乐器等。人们还可以在这里购买竹藤产品,或与展位主人聊天,了解竹藤的使用信息。展位主人将从全国各地招募,为竹藤产品的设计带来更多可能性,为佛山工匠提供灵感。
Experience Area 体验· DIY手工区: The design of this pool installation is based on the shape of the river near Foshan. Because bamboo and rattan need to be soaked in water to increase their softness before weaving, DIY materials for the public will be placed in the installation. And as Foshan people usually collect or fish up the raw materials by the riverside or in the river in the former days, the installation tries to increase the interactivity and fun of this DIY experience while restoring the historical scene. One craftsman will be here to offer technical support and share stories. The experience is free. 这个水池装置是根据佛山附近河流的形状设计的。由于竹子和藤条在编织前需要浸泡在水中以增加其柔软度,因此装置中将放置供公众 DIY 的材料。由于以前佛山人通常在河边或河里收集或打捞原材料,装置在还原历史场景的同时,试图增加这种 DIY 体验的互动性和趣味性。一位工匠将在这里提供技术支持并分享故事。体验是免费的。



 III. 战略资产Asset 2: Online and Offline Linkage Activities
This digital asset is to attract more audiences to join this public experience. It also encourages people to visit the relevant sites of Foshan's bamboo and rattan weaving industry and step into craftsmen’s shoes to understand the challenges they are facing. People can also get some answers for the quiz game in the Part I Bazaar by visiting these sites and winning a prize for a free small bamboo or rattan product.
根据 Z 世代喜欢使用手机和社交媒体的生活方式,设计了一个线上线下联动的活动,旨在尽可能多地触及受众,尤其是机会型受众和惊喜型受众。这个活动结合城市探索(City Walk)的形式,鼓励人们到访佛山竹藤编织相关的地点以了解历史和现状, 引领他们前往集市,参与手工 DIY 体验。
Visual Refinement
Final Major Project for MA Design Management at London College of Communication (LCC), UAL 
Instructor | Sara Ekenger
Research and Design | Xintong Liang (Sammy)
Photo taken | Xintong Liang (Sammy); Xinrong Wang; Peijun Zhang

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